Seeing as the first post i did of this went down well i thought i'd do a follow up post of more bands and artists that i think are worth giving a listen. I'm always up for listening to new music and i jump at any opportunity to listen to names that aren't familiar with me at the moment but thats ok because once i give them a listen i definitely am aware of them.
Isaac Gracie
Now this was a name i had seen floating about for a while and kept meaning to give a listen but only until recently i gave his song 'terrified' a listen and instantly added it to my playlist of songs that will possibly help me sleep. Isaac has played SXSW (south by south west) in Austin , texas along with two major uk festivals that are The Great Escape and Glastonbury with BBC Introducing. The songs from my bedroom e.p makes you feel a few different emotions: relaxed , soothing along with wanting to curl into a pillow cry for a few thousand years. Isaac is a name to look out for in the future thats for sure.
Coming all the way from Norway is Dagny. Her music is upbeat , catchy and full of pop goodness. Its the sort of music that'd would make you happy on a cloudy day. Her song backbeat was the song that made people get listening to her music when she released it earlier this year. She also released her debut e.p this year too. One of my favourite songs is a song called fools gold which features Borns who has toured with Bleachers and Charli XCX. I love this song so much and i can remember feeling rather happy when i heard this song. She reminds me a little bit of foxes so if you like her then you'll probably like Dagny.
The Big Moon
From having supported The Maccabees to The Vaccines , The Big Moon are gaining new listeners all the time. I heard of The Big Moon whilst browsing through the line up for The Great Escape as they played that this year. They are actually touring now i think. The Big Moon are set to even go on there own tour which is amazingly named the tourtouise tour which is probably one of the best names for a tour i have ever heard. The band are made up of Jules , Fearne , Cecila and Soph. They haven't been a band for very long but they're doing pretty well considering. Also they're videos are actually very good and the silent movie susie one is actually hilarious.
Black Honey
From Brighton , Black Honey have easily become one of my favourite bands to come out of this year. I find they come across as that band that you want to be in because they just all seem like really cool people. The newest song that they have released is called 'Hello Today' will be stuck in your head for a while as I've learnt from listening to the song a few times. Their sound reminds me of something that should belong in the late 70s/early 80s which is always cool when a band try and keep a sense of nostalgia to their music.
Frank Hamilton
Frank's career kicked off when one of his songs named You , Your Cat & Me went rather viral on myspace many years ago. Since then he's released two albums and performed at Hyde Park along side the likes of Ray Davies and Elvis Costello. The songs from #onesongaweek were co-written with Newton Faulkner and Ed Sheeran which is pretty cool. I absolutely love franks music. I think if you do like Ed and Newtons stuff you'll like frank as its very similar. I absolutely can't recommend giving frank's album songs to make life slightly less awkward a listen and I'm really enjoying this at the moment.
Her debut album for all we know was released back in July this year and it debuted at number 17 in the UK album charts. Her sound is a more alternative approach to R&B and i absolutely love it. Its not something that i'd normally listen to but her album is actually rather good. She's also done a few songs with the likes of Mura Masa and Disclosure. I feel like if you like the sort of sound that Disclosure and Mura Masa produce then NAO is definitely worth checking out. She's someone I'm really enjoying listening to at the moment as I'm absolutely loving the album.
I love female rappers i think there is just something about them that i absolutely love. I first heard of Lekeli47 when i was browsing spotify and her song called Girl Gang was on a playlist i was having a browse through. She wears a mask which is something she's rather well known for. She once said in a interview that wearing a mask keeps the focus on the music. Her music is literally the most badass thing I've ever heard and i absolutely love it.
I bloody love Bry. He is absolutely hilarious and is a really genuine person. Bry makes youtube videos along with his wife Candice who also seems like a really lovely person too. Bry is supporting Twenty One Pilots on tour around Europe which is crazy and is finally releasing his debut album in November. Bry has also changed his name about 100 times due to reasons but he's now just Bry. My favourite song of his is Don't Go Alone. Its a really sad song but it has a really upbeat tune to it.
Kate and Dan create the most peaceful and calm music i have ever heard. Kate had started off with doing a solo career which she then decided to form a band.
Their newest song headlights is worth giving a listen because compared to other things they have released this is a bit more up beat and has a really catchy chorus. The duo remind me a bit of Oh Wonder so if you like them then you'll like these.
Hannah Grace
Signed to Gabrielle Aplin's label never fade records Hannah released the meant to be kind e.p back in 2014. Since then she toured with Gabrielle Aplin for a bit doing backing vocals and this year she released her 2nd e.p called Mustang. I feel like if you like Gabrielle Aplin then hannah is someone you should give a listen. She has such a powerful voice and her song mustang is one of my favourites.
Well maybe i'll do another one of these posts because i actually love being able to share some of the names that i love listening to. I definitely recommend giving them all a listen if they sound like something you would want to listen or if your just looking for something new to listen to as i think finding new music can almost be a really fun thing to do. When i attend festivals i always try and make an effort to at least find one band or artist that I've not heard of a chance to see them live as i think being able to see someone live is always a good way of finding new things to listen to.
Speak soon ,