Albums of 2017
There's some huge albums that have dropped this year and some that I've surprisingly been listening to constantly since the release date. I think you'll find that they are from similar genres as I've really gotten into listening to things that aren't as rock orientated as much as last years post which I think included a few pop albums but from what I can remember it was pretty rock based. I've also written a post about my favourite songs from this year too and you can read that here.
Harry Styles - Harry Styles
The first album I wanted to mention was Harry Style's debut solo album. This is one that I didn't expect to like but I've actually been listening to this the most out of any album released this year. I'd never been a fan of One Direction because I thought their music was a bit on the cringey side but I've been listening to their songs throughout the year and those have also weirdly grown on me. It's one of those albums that is for anyone no matter what music your into besides theres always one song someone will like even if they don't like the other songs on the album.
My favourite songs from this album -
Sign Of The Times
Ever Since New York
Paramore - After Laughter
Paramore released their 5th album this year. When I first heard the album I really didn't like it that much but after hearing it a few times , It's become one of my favourite releases of this year. It's a more mature sound for Paramore along with some super emotional lyrics with an upbeat sound to some songs like Hard Times , Idle Worship and Fake Happy. With the addition of Zac Farrow being back in the band I really think he's really helped shape this new Paramore sound.
My favourite songs from the album -
Hard Times
Rose-Colored Boy
Fake Happy
Sundara Karma - Youth Is Only Ever
Fun In Retrospect
Fun In Retrospect
Another album that came out in January was the debut album by Sundara Karma. I'd been looking forward to this album ever since they announced it and needless to say I've been listening to it a lot this year. They actually re-released the album back in July with 3 extra songs. I also got to see them live when they supported Two Door Cinema Club and that was something that I don't think I'll ever forget for a long time ! Someone threw a shoe at a wall during their set and it got pretty chaotic it was great. Its one of those albums that is just perfect for a long journey as it holds energetic and emotional songs.
My favourite songs from this album -
Lose The Feeling
Happy Family
Creeper - Eternity , In Your Arms
What a surprise that this album is getting a mention ! Creeper have become one of my favourite bands so its kind of no surprise that I've included this album in one of my favourite releases to come out of this year. This had been an album that had been highly anticipated by the Southampton punk rock band. The way the band announced the album was very clever as they 'disappeared' and left clues , in which came the album announcement and a new song. Creeper are special and I find that its rare nowadays to come across a really special band that can capture the more theatrical side to punk and rock music. My favourite songs from this album -
Down Below
Black Rain
Lorde -Melodrama
I couldn't miss this one out could I ! Lorde has received a lot of response from this album and even NME have made it their album of the year. Ella (Lorde) has really upped the stakes on this album compared to her debut giving it a slightly lighter feel to her darker pop sound. It still comes across as pretty dark but the sound sounds a lot more richer and bouncier , especially with Green Light which was the lead single from the album. I'm desperate to one day see Lorde live as I watched her Glastonbury set from this year and wow it was incredible ! This album has slow haunting songs and the energetic balance down perfectly.
My favourite songs from this album -
Sober II (Melodrama)
Homemade Dynamite
The Louvre
The Amazons -The Amazons
Turns out I've been listening to this band a lot this year and I didn't even realise. The Amazons have been a band that I've known about for a while but never really given a chance until the end of last year. I definitely went through a phase this year of just listening to a lot of their songs because they are so good. The majority of the songs on this album are a lot more fast paced but one song in particular really stood out for me. Palace is a completely stripped back song with just a piano and vocals and it really shows a great contrast. Its a super emotional song that just really stood out for me. Every song , even the acoustic versions are great but I absolutely adore Palace.
My favourite songs from this album -
Black Magic
Junk Food Forever
And there you have it ! 6 albums that I've loved this year. It was pretty hard to choose and remember what I've been listening to the most of this year. I've been mostly listening to songs but these albums really stood out for me compared to anything else I've listened to this year. Some albums that almost made the cut but didn't include in the shortlist but wanted to mention anyway are : HAIM - Something To Tell You , Halsey - Hopeless Fountain Kingdom , Stormzy - Gang Signs & Prayer , Niall Horan - Flicker , Loyle Carner - Yesterday's Gone , and Aquilo - Silhouettes. I didn't include those albums in the shortlist purely because this post would have gone on forever otherwise ! I can't wait to see whats released next year and I'm already excited for a few debut albums too.