April is always a strange time of year because the weather has no idea what its doing along with the fact that I started April with being on my ladies monthly and being ill so thats always a great start to the month. I'm thinking about stopping Sound Of The Month. I'm just not sure if I can be bothered to share a band or artist I like because its so hard to choose one that I like because I listen to so much music I almost go into overload. So if there isn't a post on Sound Of The Month for the rest of the year you'll know why. You may have noticed that I didn't do a favourites post for last month and that was because I didn't really have any favourites for last month. I've decided to switch things up a bit because I think this month has been a great month for music so I thought i'd share my musical favourites for this month.
Ok so Paramore are back and Hard Times is incredible ! I've listened to it so many times since the release and I absolutely love it. The start of the song reminds me of something from a old video game from the 90s , like crash bandicoot or a mario bros game which literally screams nostalgia. There is something very summery and 80s about this song that I love. Bands evolve and experiment with their sound all the time and I think that this isn't a bad thing , its a good thing and I think Paramore have done a good job with evolving their sound. Ever since Zac Farro came back to Paramore I feel like he has influenced the bands sound a lot considering his other project 'HalfNoise' is a lot more indie sounding than Paramore. I feel like he's had a big influence on the new Paramore album. If you've not seen the video for 'Hard Times' yet , you can click here to give that a watch. Paramore's new album 'After Laughter' is out on May 12th and you can pre-order now.
An E.P I have been loving is Agenda by Kate Nash. Kate hasn't released any new music for a while and then last year she released a song called 'Good Summer'. I've rediscovered my love for Kate's music ever since she's released her new material. Its a lot different from what i've heard before from Kate but i'm so glad she's doing what she wants with her music because it's so good. As it's an E.P there are only 4 songs on it so if your looking for something short to listen to then E.P's are speedy listenings as they are so short. I recommend giving Agenda a listen as there is not one song that I don't like on it. One eye is definitely my favourite song on the E.P purely because just bloody great.
On the 22nd April it was the 10th Record Store Day. For the first time ever I actually got some of the exclusive vinyl that was on offer in my local record shop. I sent my grandparents to get it for me because 1. I'm a lazy shit and 2. They are basically the best humans on the planet and I'm so grateful for everything they do for me. So when they came back with the two I wanted I was so bloody excited and happy. There was so many records that I wanted but my local record shop didn't have all of the ones I wanted , I still managed to get the 2 I wanted. The ones I got were Comfort of Strangers by Bastille and Blossoms Unplugged at Festival No 6 with and I may have given them a listen.

Comfort of Strangers is so good ! It fits so well with the recently released 2nd album 'Wild World' and I'm surprised it didn't make it on the album. It also has Warmth live at Capitol Studios and oh my god its beautiful but then again all the stripped back live versions that Bastille have done have always been pretty good. The Blossoms vinyl is actually amazing. Its a picture disc and I didn't have any picture disks until now. Theres only 1,000 copies and I managed to get the only one in the shop which is also pretty cool too. The vinyl is also my first live vinyl too and it literally has become one of my favourites in my record collection.
Besides the E.P , Paramore song and the Vinyls from Record Store Day Here are some songs that I have been loving this month !
Lana Del Rey , The Weeknd - Lust For Life
Lady Gaga - The Cure
Childish Gambino - Redbone
Tillie - Pink & Blue
Anteros - Cherry Drop
Halsey - Now Or Never
Harry Styles - Sign Of The Times
Royal Blood - Lights Out
Whitney - You've Got A Woman
Black Honey - Cadillac
Cosmo Pyke - Chronic Sunshine
Bleachers - Don't Take The Money
Speak soon ,