I have a new favourite musical and its Bat Out Of Hell. The musical features the much loved music by Jim Steinman and performed by Meat Loaf. In 2030 in a post apocalyptic Manhattan , a group of people who stay 18 forever the lost lead by Strat (Andrew Polec) who happens to fall in love with Raven. Raven (Christina Bennington) is the daughter of Falco who happens to rule Obsidian. Raven longs for freedom and to be with the lost. She has just turned 18 and runs away with Strat but Falco wants the lost dead and Raven kept safe and far away from the lost.
When I first walked into the theatre my eyes widened at the size of the set. Its absolutely huge and is probably one of the biggest sets I've ever seen. The attention to detail on the set is incredibly done. Old cameras , Coca Cola cans from the 80s , old tv's and a a meat loaf vinyl cover all cover the front of the stage with what looks like rocks that are risen up on the stage. A giant billboard that also becomes a giant screen during the show as a person with a camera films bits in the show which is really cool. There is also risen tower block that is made to look like the family Falco tower which is where Ravens bedroom happens to be. You instantly feel like you've been transported to Obsidian. You even get your own copy of the Obsidian Times too when you find your seat in the theatre.
Andrew Polec and Christina Bennington both played Raven and Srat when I went to see the musical and oh my goodness me they are absolutely incredible. The onstage chemistry works perfectly and I'm honestly so glad to have got to see them both play Raven and Strat. We also need to give Danielle Steers who plays Zahara a mention who has the most insane voice ever. I did nearly have a cry at the song sung by Alex Thomas Smith who plays Tink too.
Emma Portner's choreography is amazing. It's full of energy yet everyone makes it look ridiculously at ease doing it. Emma is one of the youngest people to have now choreographed a musical at just the age of 23 which is pretty cool.
My favourite musical numbers probably had to be Heaven Can Wait which is sung by Raven and oh my god the note at the end is so angelic and beautiful. Christina sings it so well and my eyes nearly popped out of my head when the last note happened. Another favourite was probably Bat Out Of Hell because of the use of the motorbike coming out of the tunnel was really cool and I absolutely loved the choreography that the lost we're doing.
I also really liked For Crying Out Loud , I'd Do Anything For Love , Dead Ringer For Love , Out Of The Frying Pan And Into The Fire , You Took The Words Right Out Of My Mouth and It's All Coming Back To Me Now.
The rest of the cast are all absolutely amazing too and the fact that all of their characters names in the show were all chosen by Jim Steinman himself is pretty cool. Bits of the musical are a bit weird such as In Land Of The Pig nearly broke my brain as a doll gets its head ripped off , the lost are locked up in a giant cage with creepy dummies hung upside down by their feet. Yeah it's weird. But Land Of The Pig is a pretty brilliant performance from Rob Fowler and everyone else.
I went to see this with my grandma who I thought wouldn't be able to understand what the hell is happening , weird and awful actually loved the show and was telling the ice cream woman how much she was enjoying herself. I mean I nearly curled into a ball of embarrassment but at least she was having a great time. My grandma came out of that show completely broken and when I mean broken she couldn't talk about anything else other than how incredible the musical was and how it was the best thing she had ever seen. Bat Out Of Hell is now grandma approved.
One thing I will have to say about the musical is because of the set is absolutely huge do not sit right in the front row as a lot of the show is performed at an angle and not like most musicals where you can see everything straight on. I mean you can sit on the front row and get splashed by Rob Fowler who plays Falco and I don't want to give much away but theres a pool and we we're sat right in front of it. We couldn't see much but theres so much going on every single bit of that stage most of the time your basically covered until you realise Andrew Polec is covered in fake blood.
The musical is currently on at the Dominion Theatre but has been in Manchester , London , Toronto and currently London. I think its then going to Germany and then touring America next year too. It was also recently announced that Andrew Polec will be leaving the London production on the 1st September so if you want to see the original Strat before he goes you really need to book your tickets soon ! There is also certain dates where you can go and sing a long and also dress up like someone from obsidian which I think is really cool for people who are huge Jim Steinman , Meat Loaf , and fans of show.
I definitely recommend going to see this for sure as it's literally the best thing I have ever , ever seen. If you want to find out more you can go to batoutofhellmusical.com !