3 Songs For June


It was so hard to choose June's 3 songs as there was some pretty incredible songs that were released. So now we're in July which feels a bit weird as its only a month until my birthday ! Which i am excited about but I'm not excited about the fact that I'm turning 19 which means I'm going to be 20 next year ... I am not ready to adult. I never have been ready and never will be. These are the 3 songs i have been rather enjoying throughout the month of June.

Bastille - Good Grief
I was super excited when Bastille announced that they were bringing out a new album called 'Wild World' which comes out in September on the 9th. I was a huge fan of Bastille in 2013 so for them to finally bring out new music makes me rather happy. Good Grief is the first single from the album and it was everything i was hoping for. Its catchy and includes a few film quotes. If you've listened to the first two other peoples heartache mixtape's you will know that they feature some snippets from films in them. The video for this is a bit weird but every Bastille video is weird. 

Ady Suleiman - Running Away 
I was watching some of the coverage of Glastonbury over the weekend when the BBC played a song by Ady Suleiman. I hadn't heard of him until then and of course i decided to check out the rest of his music and my ears were very happy. His music infuses reggae , hip hop and r&b to create this really summer perfect sound. I really recommend listening to this one as its one of my favourites. You should also go and listen to his debut E.P that recently came out too , its so good ! 

Frank Carter and the Rattlesnakes - Snake Eyes 
I'd seen a lot of good things about this song so i decided to give it and listen and oh my god its incredible. I hadn't really listened to much of Frank Carter and the Rattlesnakes but i've finally gotten around to listening to the debut album and oh my god its amazing. The video for snake eyes has a plot twist that you do not expect at all. Go and give that a listen and the video a watch because its all very good. 

There were so many songs i could have picked like no sleep by twin atlantic which is incredible and i can't wait to hear GLA ! There was also another song from moose blood called knuckles which i loved the video for and Heathens by Twenty One Pilots has a really good video as its on the soundtrack for the suicide squad movie. And along with all of those songs Young Guns released a new song called Bulletproof which i was not expecting new music from them so soon. Also new Shura was released too which is exciting as her albums out in a week. That was my 3 songs for June ! Which songs have you been enjoying through out the month of June ? 

Speak soon , 

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