3 Songs For November


We have reached the last ever 3 songs post for this year. Im calling it early because idiot here decided that blogmas would be a bloody great idea didn't i ?! Yes I'm taking on blogmas and I'm pretty nervous and excited it about it i suppose. Ive never done anything like it before because well , I'm an unorganised mess i just about manage to get one post up let along one post each day. Let me briefly explain what blogmas is. You blog everyday in December its pretty much like vlogmas only you don't vlog you blog it all instead. This is it , the last time i'll be doing a 3 songs post. Im stopping these next year because i don't want to keep on doing the same thing every year. Without going on about blogmas here are 3 songs that have been released this month that I've been listening to a lot. 

Mallory Knox - Giving It Up 
When i heard that Mallory Knox were releasing a new song i didn't expect a tour announcement and a new album announcement which happens to be coming out in January next year. This song is possibly one of my favourite Mallory Knox songs so far. If giving it up is anything to go by then the album is bound to be incredible. Also check out the video for this song as i really liked it.

Rationale - Prodigal Son 
Ok I absolutely love this. As you might be able to tell i am absolutely obsessed with Rationale now. From hearing something from nothing for the first time to now hearing prodigal son. I think Tinashe has an album coming out next year that i think is possibly being released in march which is rather exciting. Definitely give this a listen as its one of my favourite songs. 

Fickle Friends - Brooklyn 
We may be in the more colder and wintery months now but this just reminds me of summer and going to the beach. I think the band have been playing this song live for a while now and have finally released a studio recording of Brooklyn. It makes me want to dance around like the dancing pumpkin. This definitely one of my happy songs. Its very catchy and really makes you want to dance around. 

And thats it ! If you've been following 3 songs for every single month then i applaud you but if you haven't then i'll link each post from January to October a bit further down so you can have a read of those ones if you want to. If your also doing blogmas then good luck ! November has been a weird month to say the least. I can't wait for christmas to happen now so this year can go away. Its not exactly been the best year but lets end it on a high with christmas and the new year ?!
Speak soon , 
Past 3 songs posts - 


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