Its that time of year again where I share my top favourite songs that have been released this year. I thought last year was a pretty huge year for new music being released but I was wrong. This year has been even bigger. Bands that I've loved for years have released new stuff and more newer bands and artists have emerged on to the music scene releasing some rather refreshing music. Its been pretty difficult trying to put just 10 songs into this list because there are so many songs I could talk about but i just wanted to keep it at 10 this time ! This took me a long time to write believe it not as I've been writing this post since October. Anyway in no order here are my top 10 songs of 2016.
1. Glass Animals - Life Itself
I hadn't of heard of Glass Animals until they were announced to be playing Bestival. It wasn't until I heard life itself on the radio one day that made me really like their music , particularly this song as its one that you can dance around to like an actual idiot to yet there is something about it thats pretty chilled out. Glass Animals have a very chilled sound that has a rather upbeat rhythm to it. I still absolutely love this song and it's definitely become one of my favourite songs of all time.
2. Rationale - Something For Nothing
You might remember that post I did about my favourite smaller bands and artists that you need to be listening to that I mentioned Rationale. From the first time I heard this song I knew I probably wouldn't stop listening to this song. It has to be one of my favourite songs to come out of this year. There is just something about this song that i really like. Its one of those that I want everyone to hear as it's just so good. I've also decided I can't listen to this once I have to listen to it twice.
3. Bastille - Send Them Off !
This will come as no surprise that Bastille have appeared on here and my favourite albums from 2016. Send them off has to be one of my favourite song from wild world. I think this one of the songs I've listened to the most from the album and its definitely one of my favourites. I love how at the start they sampled some quotes from films in the song. I know they do this with the most of their songs but honestly this adds a bit more of a cinematic effect to the song.
4. Fickle Friends - Cry Baby
Cry baby is the song that soundtracked my summer and probably will continue to soundtrack my summer for the rest of my life. I discovered Fickle Friends last year and since then I've been itching to get to see them live but annoyingly I was forced to watch Craig David at Bestival instead of seeing Fickle Friends. I was really grumpy about missing them to be honest. Cry baby is catchy and most likely going to get stuck in your head for the rest of your life. I sometimes want to scream along to the chorus because I'm great and I like to scream along to songs and not sing a long to them.
5. Rag N Bone Man - Human
Rory Graham or better known as Rag N Bone Man has been someone I've been listening to since 2014 when he made an e.p called the wolves e.p available to download for free. I listened to a song Lay My Body Down and I couldn't stop listening to it. When Rory was up for a brits critics choice award I had a feeling he was going to end up winning. He also supported Tom Odell on his recent tour too which is pretty cool. Human is such a powerful song and really leaves you in awe as Rory has the most incredible voice I have ever heard.Expect huge things from Rag N Bone man within the next year or so. Rory is also releasing his album which is also called human next year.
6. Billie Marten - Heavy Weather
After releasing her debut album Billie has had a great year. I managed to catch her at Bestival and oh my goodness her set was heavenly. Writing the blues and yellows is one of my albums I fall asleep listening to because its so chilled out and makes you feel sleepy anyway. Heavy weather was released in 2015 but it also made it on to her debut album. If you haven't given Billie a listen please give this song a listen if you want to at some point because its a gorgeous song.
7. The Japanese House - Face Like Thunder
Since 2015 I've been saying that The Japanese House is going to become big within the next year or so. Amber has supported The 1975 on a few dates , has toured the UK , Europe and the States and has also released a third e.p called Swim Against The Tide which face like thunder features on. Like many of the other songs they are all ones that you can listen to if your wanting to relax and listen to something a bit more relaxing and soothing. This is by far one of my favourite The Japanese House songs ever.
8. Nimmo - My Only Friend
I feel like everyone needs to hear this song at some point because it has been on repeat since the first time I heard this song. Its one of the more dancey songs on this list and Nimmo are definitely ones to look out for within the next few years. Every single time i listen to my only friend I just want to dance around like an idiot as it makes me really happy when I listen to this song. I'm expecting huge things to come from Nimmo next year so check them out if you haven't already !
9. Deaf Havana Sing
I hadn't really heard of Deaf Havana Until Last year. This is one of those songs that you can plonk on during a long drive or on a trip down to the beach. Its good to hear new music from Deaf Havana as they released a song last year which is also really good to. I honestly have probably listened to this so many times this year and I don't think i'll ever get fed up of listening to it. Weirdly this is possibly one of the more rockier songs that is on this list but I couldn't leave it out as it's too good to leave out.
10. Lewis Watson - Hello Hello
Lewis is set to release his 2nd album in March and honestly I can't wait for the album to be released as the 3 songs that have been released already are the perfect songs to fall asleep to. I often find myself listening to Lewis's music to fall asleep to as i find it relaxing. Hello Hello slowly progresses towards the end of the song with a slightly less acoustic sound to a lot more louder sounding instruments which then slowly fades out in the final few seconds of the song.
If I had it my way this whole list would have just been songs from wild world and how to be a human being because I am obsessed. Compared to last years post its very different from the last top 10 songs I did last year which was very rock orientated. This years hardly goes near the rock genre which is actually hilarious to see how my music taste has slightly developed since last year. Of course I still like rock music as a whole just a lot of the music I've listened to this year has been a bit different. Also if you haven't heard of any of the artists I've mentioned please go and give them a listen at some point because you never know you might find something that you wouldn't have of expected to like. If you write a post about your top 10 favourite songs or even make a youtube video about them i'd love to see those because I'm always interested in what other people are listening to.
Speak soon ,